Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Presents from the Parents: Venetian Masks

Yesterday I came home and to my delight what did I find? Not one, but TWO ultra-light boxes fresh of the plane from Italy. And what might they contain? Nothing less than four of the most beautiful pieces of art ever seen. They are as follows:

This is the mask my mom had made for me:

I feel it pretty much captures all the good things I see in myself, I have no idea how she conveyed that to the artist.

This is the mask that she had made for Adam:

His response "Why do I have to be the jester?", but I think it is also fantastic! Just look at the delicate border...and the bells really jingle!

And finally, two additional masks that will be perfect accents to the collection.

I'm pretty sure I'm the world's luckiest daughter right about now! Thanks mom!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh Katie, the masks are just beautiful! You really are the luckiest daughter!

